Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Protect Belle Isle from development

Back in March, the mayor announced a plan to build a maritime academy on the site of the historic Detroit Boat Club. That plan is receiving renewed and much needed scrutiny in today's Free Press by John Gallagher.

He asks a simple question: Is this what we want for Belle Isle? I hope the answer is no. Belle Isle is a beautiful park meant for recreational use by city residents. It is not and never should be a site for dense development. Any renovation of the park (and it deserves more funding and better maintenance) should preserve the island for use by people, not development.


Anonymous said...

I would build on the far end on the island.I would keep 3/4 of the island
the way it is but refurbished.Maritime school is a dumb idea.Build an upscale
marina and retail/entertainment complex.They can't even run DPS how would they run a maritime school.Charge money to get on the island.Also use the Grand Prix money they get from Penske.All profits from the grand prix Penske has said will be spent on Belle Isle.Plus Kwame would give the demo contracts to Ferguson another of the cities bloodsuckers

Anonymous said...

Nothing is going to get done till Kwame is gone.None of the big money people want Kwame to take credit for what they do.
By big money I mean Penske,Bing,Illitch,
Bettis,Thomas,Gilbert.Why do you think there has been no announcement on the new Wings area.Everything is on hold because of Kwame "city killer"Kilpatrick